About Me

Jaws and V…Always

Jaws and V…on MARS! is my attempt at blending two-sides of my imagination and two-sides of my hobbies to create an illustrated adventure that focuses on how our knowledge of space is fueled by the power of our imaginations.

Although many people have the false belief that these two subjects are mutually exclusive, I’ve always been interested in science and literature. I am of the opinion that they are both fueled by the same human drive to imagine and wonder. Moreover, I’ve always loved to create cartoons and fun stories! I’ve always believed that an engaging picture can help your audience understand the larger meaning behind your message.

jaws and v riding curiosity
Click to read the strip on Tumblr!

That’s how I came up with Jaws and V…on MARS! This hobby of mine is my attempt to blend knowledge of science and our mythic realities to remind my audience of what has always fueled our curiosity about the Universe and humanity’s place in it–Imagination.

I use the setting of Mars because our closest planetary neighbor has always been the Wild West of humanity’s imagination: where aliens and opportunity, monsters and magic, and even gods and men have lived and dwelt since our aboriginal dreamtime. Mars is the blank slate upon which we can act out our hopes, our good intentions, and our dreams of the future. 

So even though the comic is simple, Jaws and V…on MARS! has big ideas!  In this series I explore the themes of imagination, companionship, close friendship, the importance of home, and the inherent goodness of humanity.

I hope you enjoy reading this strip as much as I enjoy making it!

Sincerely, V2 @jawsandvalways


I also made this comic because I love Jaws, who is my feline companion, and I feel I need to inform the world of her non-human personhood. Throughout human history there has always been a cat to accompany an adventurer as they travel throughout their story, and I see no reason to stray from that tradition. I found Jaws in Paterson, NJ, in front of the DYFS office (of all places) when she was only 3-weeks old.

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